Resist and Build, Fight and Build, Oppose and Propose, Resist and Insist – whatever the wording, there is great convergence about the need to connect these dimensions. Even if the lines are a bit blurry, we can broadly distinguish between resist work that seeks to fight back against an oppressive, unjust and unsustainable social/economic system, and the build work of the solidarity economy that seeks to build ‘another world’ beyond capitalism to one that puts people and planet, equity, justice and sustainability front and center. Resistance without knowing where you’re going is likely to lead only to reform of the current system. Building a solidarity economy without being grounded in grassroots organizing runs the risk of losing touch with the struggle that impels the need for a solidarity economy in the first place.
Read MoreJackson Rising: A Real News Network Interview with Kali Akuno
/Interview with Cooperation Jackson Executive Director, Kali Akuno, by Jaisal Noor at the Fearless Cities North American Regional Municipalist Summit.
Interview was taken July 28, 2018. Interview was posted on September 10, 2018.
Read MoreThe 1st Ecosocialist International: What it is and why you should join.
/The 1st Ecosocialist International is an initiative that started in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In Chavez's last 5 year plan there was a goal to save the planet using an "ecosocialist production model"; activists inspired by this vision from around the world then used this initiative to call for the 1st Ecosocialist International. The 1st Ecosocialist International Convergence was held in Venezuela in November 2017. Cooperation Jackson was one of many organizations from around the world to participate in this convergence, based on our promotion and practice of regenerative ecosocialist models of production, distribution, consumption, and recycling that ground our notion of Just Transition and Ecological Regeneration. Cooperation Jackson hosted a convergence of North American ecosocialist activists in April to help build an ecosocialist international on the continent. This video explains why this development is so important - and why you should get involved.
Read MoreA Socialist Southern Strategy in Jackson
/An insightful and thought provoking review of Cooperation Jackson's 2017 publication, "Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Black Self-Determination in Jackson, MS", edited by Kali Akuno and Ajamu Nangwaya, by radical activist and intellectual, Max Aji.
Read MoreWorker Cooperatives - Islands within a Sea of Capitalism
/This episode of the Upstream podcast features our Director, Kali Akuno, discussing our ambitious initiative, modeled in many respects after Mondragon in the Basque Country, which is featured in the podcast, and notes our aim to eventually become the Mondragon of North America. It also situates Cooperation Jackson as part of the same trans-local organizing movement that inspired formations like Cooperation Richmond, Cooperation Buffalo, etc.
Read MoreTransnational Institute: Transformative Cities
/How do citizens solve global problems with local solutions? Around the world people are finding local solutions to global problems. New citizens coalitions are winning municipal power from Barcelona and Madrid to Jackson, Mississippi; embracing the term ‘fearless’ to show their willingness to take on entrenched power.
Read MoreJackson Convergence Report: The First Ecosocialist International Takes Root and Makes Routes on Turtle Island
/This report by Quincy Saul highlights the on going development of the EcoSocialist International. The first North American Convergence of the EcoSocialist International was held in Jackson, MS Friday, April 20th through Sunday, April 22nd. Cooperation Jackson is a founding member of the EcoSocialist International and was host to this convergence.
Read MoreLeft Forum 2018 Closing Plenary - A Vision Moving Forward
/This Left Forum plenary focused on developing a transformative vision for a new society and social relations that the left can and must build in the United States and beyond. It was organized by Rob Robinson, and featured: Cathy Dang, Kali Akuno, Bhairavi Desai, Ajamu Baraka, and Mark Winston-Griffith.
Read MorePeople's Cities: A Summit
/Will cities save us? In the last decades we have witnessed a resurgent interest in cities, accompanied by a great deal of urban optimism, even in the face of the exclusion and inequalities of our cities. Cities have become a privileged target of investment, as professionals and elites have rediscovered urban cores as desirable locations. At the same time, cities have become a veritable laboratory for new technologies in transportation and infrastructure, ones that promise to be more sustainable and resilient. And most recently, urban progressivism has captured the imagination of many large cities, like New York, Barcelona, London, and Los Angeles, and smaller ones, like Jackson, MS, and Berkeley, CA. Such places have played important roles in advancing innovative progressive policies, but also as symbolic beachheads holding up socially just principles in the face of global tides of conservative and reactionary politics playing out at the national level. And yet a number of questions remain about the viability of progressive strategies at the local level. Cooperation Jackson’s Director, Kali Akuno, was featured on this panel discussion.
Read MoreLeave No Worker Behind
/This article focuses on the “Just Transition” movement, which is broadly defined climate justice movement that focuses on building a regenerative, post-capitalist economy and society that centers on the needs of workers and oppressed peoples and communities in balance with the needs of the Earth and its ecosystems. It also focuses on the Just Transition Assembly hosted by Cooperation Jackson and held in Jackson, MS in February 2018. This article appeared in the Earth Island Journal and was written by Samantha M. Harvey.
Read MoreAfter Centuries of Housing Racism, a Southern City gets Innovative
/This article from Yes! Magazine focuses on the development of Community Land Trusts and other forms of fair and affordable housing in Jackson, Mississippi. Cooperation Jackson’s emerging Fannie Lou Hamer Community Land Trust, being anchored by Sacajawea “Saki” Hall, is featured in the article.
Read MoreReconstructing Economic Development for People and the Planet: Stories of Economic Democracy from Jackson to PR to the Bronx
/For the first time in decades, cities round the country are advancing progressive innovations and solutions to too-long-sustained poverty and inequality. In New York City worker cooperatives, participatory budgeting, and community land trusts are on the policy platform of the City Council’s progressive caucus and elected officials in the democratic party are pushing legislation for employee and worker ownership at the state and federal levels. With greater visibility and support from the public sector some believe that these pilots and experiments for neighborhoods to drive wealth creation and capture and create equitable economic opportunities can reach into broad-based and mainstream policy.
Read MoreLearning from Jackson: Building a Solidarity Economy in Boston
/Cooperation Jackson Director, engages the Solidarity Economy Initiative - SEI and its allies in Boston, Massachusetts about the lessons from the organizing initiative to implement the Jackson-Kush Plan and how they might apply in Boston.
The dialogue centered on the insights from Cooperation Jackson's recent book, "Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Black Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi."
Read MoreTech Democracy and Community Production
/This Future Left Podcast features Gyasi Williams a member of Cooperation Jackson and anchor on the emerging Community Production Cooperative.
The interview focuses how communities can use technology create localist, environmentally conscious models of production that are aimed at black liberation and the empowerment of the working class.
Read MoreLessons from Jackson - Discussion in Worcester, MA
/A discussion with Cooperation Jackson Director, Kali Akuno, in Worcester, MA and that focused on the Jackson Rising book, the Jackson-Kush Plan, and the formation of Cooperation Jackson is an emerging network of cooperatives and grassroots institutions that aim to build a "solidarity economy."
Read MoreInternational Solidarity, Cooperation, and Peer to Peer Sharing and Collaboration with brandon king
/brandon king, Cooperation Jackson Executive Committee member and co-anchor for Freedom Farms Cooperative, speaking about the Jackson-Kush Plan and the need for International Solidarity and Cooperation and Peer-to-Peer learning and collaboration at Kultuhuset Jonkoping, Sweden on April 27, 2018.
Read MoreCooperation Jackson at the Finnish Social Forum with brandon king
/brandon king, Cooperation Jackson Executive Committee member and co-anchor of Freedom Farms Cooperative, talking about Cooperation Jackson, the Jackson-Kush Plan, and the struggle for Economic Demcoracy and Black Self-Determination at Finnish Social Forum 21st April 2018.
Read MoreCommunity Production Cooperative wins Workers Lab 2018 Innovation Fund Award
/Our emerging Community Production Cooperative (CPC), was one of three winners of the 2018 The Workers Lab Innovators Award. The Workers Lab asked innovators to address one of three key areas: improvements to workforce development; building worker power; and responding to job automation. After an unprecedented response from 334 organizations in 13 countries and 34 U.S. states, the CPC, along with The Hood Incubator, and Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation, won this critical award.
Read MoreNW Community Power Conference Open Plenary
/This event featured Cooperation Jackson Director, Kali Akuno, and R. L. Stephens, from the National Political Committee of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). The event was held in Seattle, Washington at Washington Hall on April 1st, 2018.
Read MoreReversing Past Oppression, Cooperation Jackson builds a better future
/A critical review from CounterPunch by Pete Dolack of Cooperation Jackson's, "Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Black Self-Determination in Jackson, MS", edited by Kali Akuno and Ajamu Nangwaya, and co-published in 2017 with Daraja Press.
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