The 1st Ecosocialist International: What it is and why you should join.
/The 1st Ecosocialist International is an initiative that started in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In Chavez's last 5 year plan there was a goal to save the planet using an "ecosocialist production model"; activists inspired by this vision from around the world then used this initiative to call for the 1st Ecosocialist International. The 1st Ecosocialist International Convergence was held in Venezuela in November 2017. Cooperation Jackson was one of many organizations from around the world to participate in this convergence, based on our promotion and practice of regenerative ecosocialist models of production, distribution, consumption, and recycling that ground our notion of Just Transition and Ecological Regeneration. Cooperation Jackson hosted a convergence of North American ecosocialist activists in April to help build an ecosocialist international on the continent. This video explains why this development is so important - and why you should get involved.