Assault on Black Political Power in Jackson, MS.
/Our latest Mississippi Project video, "The Assault on Black Political Power in Jackson, MS: Countering the Confederate Spring, Part 1
Republicans throughout the South are trying to build a "new" Confederacy by dominating state legislatures and enacting laws that aim to return society back to the 18th century. Mississippi Republicans are working overtime to lead this reactionary charge.
The Mississippi Republican supermajority in the State Legislature are advancing an all out assault on the social gains won by Blacks, women, workers, farmers, immigrants and LGBTQI individuals and communities over the past 100 years during the 2016 legislative session.
Jackson, the Black majority state capital of Mississippi is coming under heavy attack this legislative session. There are four critical attacks being waged this session: SB 2162 The Airport Takeover Bill, SB 2525 The Downtown Annexation Bill, SB 2306 The Racial Profiling and Immigrant Targeting Bill, and Gov. Phil Bryant's Confederate History Month declaration. The city's water treatment and delivery system is also under threat.
The Coalition for Economic Justice launched in January 2016 to counter these reactionary assaults, defend Jackson's economic integrity, and fight for economic justice and democracy.
For more information about the Coalition for Economic Justice visit or email
Send resources for The BDS Campaign to:
Community Aid and Development Inc.
P.O. Box 68426
Jackson, MS 39286
Send resources for the Buy Jackson Campaign to:
Cooperation Jackson
P.O. Box 1932
Jackson, MS 39215