How Cooperation Jackson Works: An Interview with Ajamu Nangwaya, Ph.D. and Kali Akuno

From the neoliberal wreck [16:26] / How Cooperation Jackson works [1:00:44] / The end of policing [2:04:45] / Before Mexico City's quake [3:02:57] / For land and life in Palestine [3:31:12] / Puerto Rico, today and tomorrow [4:00:51] / The Hotep Jam [4:24:53]

Ajamu Nangwaya, Ph.D. and Kali Akuno, co-authors of Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Self-Determination in Jackson Mississippi, are interviewed by host Chuck Mertz on the radio show "This is Hell!", WNUR 89.3FM Chicago. This is Episode 976: "From the Wreck Age", broadcast October 28th. The interview runs from approximately 1:00:44 to 2:04:45 on this marathon four and a half hour program.

This is Hell! is a weekly radio interview show broadcast without the virtue of money or the vice of political agenda. Every Saturday morning, your bitter, blind, broke, gap-toothed host Chuck Mertz works off his hangover talking to the journalists, authors and activists working to make this world a slightly less hellish place. And we do it all live, uninterrupted and unedited, Saturdays at 9AM Central on WNUR 89.3FM Chicago and podcast to the world shortly after.

UPDATE: Thanks to Chuck Mertz over at This is Hell!, there's now a link for the hour-long Cooperation Jackson interview:

Reclaiming democracy and rebuilding politics at Cooperation Jackson