Meet the Fab Lab Interns in Community Production with INCITE-FOCUS in Detroit

September 2016 marked the beginning of an intensive digital fabrication and technologically innovative training and internship three of our members, Amalya Livingston, Akinola Gonzalez, and Gyasi Williams are receiving from INCITE FOCUS, a Detroit, Michigan based Fab Lab, to enable them to become fully certified technicians, and to offer the Academy courses to more members of our community to expand the number of certified technicians.

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The Community Production Initiative

The Community Production Initiative is a campaign to turn Jackson into an innovative hub of sustainable manufacturing and fabrication that will help build and expand “community wealth”[1] in the city. The first phase of this initiative is the development of a Center for Community Production. The Center will be anchored by a Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab), and serve as a Fab Academy training center, a multi-stakeholder cooperative, a coding and digital programming innovation hub, a maker space[2] and the city’s first hub of community production.

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Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi

Edited By: Cooperation Jackson (Kali Akuno, Sacajawea Hall, brandon king) and Ajamu Nangwaya

There is a W.E.B. DuBois statement popular in radical political circles in the United States that asserts, “as the South goes so goes the nation.” This claim has much to do with the outsized role that the US South has played and continues to play in the ideology, economics and politics of the country. It is not a coincidence that the politics of mass resistance against racism and other forms of oppression in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s had its origins in the South with the emergence of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

It is the intensity of oppressive conditions in the South that provides the potential for movements emanating from this region to ignite the powder keg of popular resistance across the country. It is in the preceding context that we would like to document an emerging social, economic and political experiment that has the potential to provide a framework for resistance to racist domination, patriarchal oppression, ecological destruction and capitalist economic exploitation in the United States.

Jackson Rising is a chronicle of one of the most dynamic, but under-documented experiments in radical social transformation taking place in the United States. The book documents the ongoing organizing and institution building of the political forces concentrated in Jackson, Mississippi dedicated to advancing the “Jackson-Kush Plan”. These forces include the Jackson People’s Assembly, the New Afrikan People’s Organization, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, the Jackson Human Rights Institute and Cooperation Jackson.

The “Jackson-Kush Plan” is a strategy written by Kali Akuno and collectively developed by activists in the New Afrikan People’s Organization and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement in the mid-2000’s to advance the struggle for socialism in the United States and self-determination for people of Afrikan descent in Mississippi and the US South.

Jackson Rising documents the history of this movement, its contributions towards the radical transformation of the United States, and its ideological and political implications for social movements throughout the United States, the global South and the world. 


Solar Energy Coming to the Chokwe Lumumba Center for Economic Democracy and Development

We are proud to announce that the Lumumba Center will soon be a solar powered and operated facility, thanks to a generous donation that we received.

This development helps us fulfill a critical plank towards the fulfillment of our Jackson Just Transition Plan (JJTP) and Sustainable Communities Initiative (SCI) to create a sustainable, regenerative economy in Jackson. 

Cooperation Jackson's very own Kali Akuno has been selected as a keynote speakers for CommonBound 2016

Cooperation Jackson's very own Co-Founder and Co-Director, Kali Akuno has been selected as a keynote speaker for this year's convening taking place July 8-10 in Buffalo, NY.

CommonBound will bring together hundreds of leaders and organizations from across North America for an international conference on visionary strategies for achieving deep systemic change. Participants will share insights and stories, build relationships, highlight achievements, and chart a shared path toward a society that puts people and planet first. Participants will include a cross-section of community leaders, thinkers, and practitioners from around the world, including the New Economy Coalition’s 140-plus member organizations from throughout the US and Canada.

National Business Alliance Names 36 Leaders Transforming Local Economies

National Business Alliance Names 36 Leaders Transforming Local Economies

Oakland, CA – Thirty-six leaders representing innovative community and economic development solutions in 29 U.S. and Canadian cities have been selected to the Business Alliance for Local Living Economy’s (BALLE) fourth cohort of Local Economy Fellows.
These are leaders with fierce love for their communities – a love that they’re each putting to work in ways that bring equity, opportunity, capital, and support to small local businesses and the diverse populations in every community they serve.

Locally, Kali Akuno, Co-Director of Cooperation Jackson, was named to the fellowship. Kali leads and incubates a network of worker cooperatives, a land trust, and housing co-ops fighting to create economic democracy and solidarity.

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“Countering the Confederate ‘Spring’: the Assault on Black Political Power in Jackson, MS”

“Countering the Confederate ‘Spring’: the Assault on Black Political Power in Jackson, MS”

By Kali Akuno

The racist and utterly reactionary Republican legislative majorities that dominate the South are on an aggressive march this legislative session. From Texas to Florida, Arkansas to Virginia, and all the states in-between, they are employing cut-throat strategies and tactics to pass a package of regressive, exploitative and outright anti-human legislation drawn up by the likes of ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council)[1] and other right-wing think tanks. They are attacking the right to vote, Black voting districts, the right to education, access to housing, workers rights to organize themselves, wage protections, alternative energy plans, marriage equality, and the list goes on.

While reactionary legislative initiatives are nothing new to the South, the moves being made in 2016 are rather exceptional. In many respects, the Republican initiatives of 2016 are reminiscent of their “Redeemer” predecessors from the Democratic Party from the 1890’s, when they systematically replaced all of the reconstruction based constitutions of the Southern states and formally instituted legally based “Jim Crow” regimes[2].  This reactionary assault is being driven by desperation in part. The settlers that form the base of the Republic Party are utterly terrified by the demographic trends projected for the US over the next 50 years[3]. They are scared of the day when the US is no longer a “white man’s country” that it will translate into the end of their social dominance and “way of life.” These reactionary initiatives are therefore maneuvers of position in preparation for long-term trouble, a “battening down the hatches” as it were, to secure their social rule and ability to exploit and oppress non-white people for as long as possible.   

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United Nations Experts on People of African Descent - Mississippi Mission

The United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent is undertaking a fact-finding mission in Jackson and other parts of Mississippi January 22nd – 24th. Cooperation Jackson will host the Working Group Saturday, January 23, 2016 at the Chokwe Lumumba Center for Economic Democracy and Development. Saturday's Full Schedule

The United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent is undertaking a fact-finding mission in Jackson and other parts of Mississippi January 22nd – 24th. The Working Group is touring four cities, including Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Chicago in addition to Jackson. The purpose of the visit is to gather as much evidence about the current state and conditions of people of African descent in the United States, particularly as it pertains to criminal justice and the respect for our economic, social and cultural rights, that will be reported on directly to the Human Rights Council in the form of a report. This report will be used to pressure the United States government to respect, protect, and fulfill its human rights obligations to people of African descent living within the United States. 

The visit of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent will also be utilized as an opportunity to promote the International Decade of People of African Descent. The International Decade commenced on January 1st, 2015 and is set to end December 31st, 2024. Cooperation Jackson and the Jackson Human Rights Institute are utilizing the decade to try and promote systemic change for people of African descent in the United States. We intend on doing ongoing program to promote the decade, the case for reparations, and the call for a National Plan of Action for Racial Justice over the course of the next 9 years. For more information on the International Decade for People of African Descent visit 

All people who identify as people of African Descent (i.e. Black people, African Americans, New Afrikans, etc.) regardless of class, gender, or age are encouraged to participate in this process. 

What is the UN Working Group of People of African Descent?
The members of the Working Group are appointed, independent experts from various countries dedicated to improving the human rights situation of people of African descent around the world. One of their mandates is to visit different countries to examine critically the situation of people of African descent in the country, identify problems, and make recommendations for resolution of the problems. There will be 3 experts who will visit and 2 UN staff. For more information about the Working Group,
please check out this link:

For more information email Or visit or the following Facebook Pages or

Report on the Summer of Our Power Southern People’s Movement Assembly on Just Transition

Report on the Summer of Our Power Southern People’s Movement Assembly on Just Transition

Over 250 Activists and organizers from Mississippi and throughout the south and southwest gathered at the Chokwe Lumumba Center for Economic Democracy and Development Friday, June 26th through Sunday, June 28th, 2015.

This report highlights the key questions discussed. the community report backs from the work done in five tracks: Youth, Gender, Labor/Worker, Economic Democracy and Energy Democracy.

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Community Wealth Building in Jackson, Mississippi: Strategic Considerations

Community Wealth Building in Jackson, Mississippi: Strategic Considerations

This report is based on over 40 in-person interviews with various community stakeholders and institutional leaders to discuss an anchor-linked Community Wealth Building strategy and explore potential opportunities in Jackson. In this report, the Democracy Collaborative explores the needs, opportunities and consideration for Cooperation Jackson implementing such a strategy. 

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Rainbow Co-op Members Collectively Donate to Cooperation Jackson

Cooperation Jackson received a donation from Rainbow Natural Grocery Cooperative as apart of their Rainbow Roundup. Each month Rainbow features an organization and it's members collectively contribute to the organization and its cause. Rainbow Roundup ask members to simply round up their purchase to the nearest dollar. All the change is collected and given to the organization. Cooperation Jackson thanks Rainbow and its members who rounded up their purchases to support us!

Reflections on the People’s Summit on Climate Change and our Climate Justice Movement

While attending the People’s Summit on Climate Change in Lima, Peru as a member of the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance delegation, my mind was focused on the relationship between the intensifying struggles at home with the deepening struggles throughout the world. Lima affirmed that my work through Cooperation Jackson to create alternatives to the extractive economy in the heart of the United States by building economic democracy rooted in cooperative economics and social solidarity as a model, can be and is a significant contribution to the global struggle for a just transition.

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Historic Human Rights City Resolution Passed in Jackson, MS to Create 1st Human Rights Charter and Commission in the South

Historic Human Rights City Resolution Passed in Jackson, MS to Create 1st Human Rights Charter and Commission in the South

The Jackson City Council unanimously passed a resolution on Tuesday, December 16th to create a Human Rights Charter and Commission that will support Jackson becoming the first Human Rights City in the historic South. 

The passage of this resolution will help the City of Jackson better confront many of the social ills that confront our society.

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Cooperation Jackson hosts The Democracy Collaborative to launch a Community Wealth Building Initiative in Jackson

Cooperation Jackson hosts The Democracy Collaborative to launch a Community Wealth Building Initiative in Jackson

Cooperation Jackson hosts The Democracy Collaborative to launch a Community Wealth Building Initiative in Jackson. Cooperation Jackson, a newly formed community-based organization in Jackson, has asked The Democracy Collaborative — a nonprofit research and advisory group with offices in Washington, DC and Cleveland, Ohio — to explore the feasibility of a Community Wealth Building strategy in Jackson. The aim of this approach is to transform neighborhoods through job creation by identifying areas where local business is under-developed and creating employee-owned businesses that can fill those gaps while employing residents, paying living wages and meeting procurement needs of existing large employers. 

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