RN Series 2017 Ep. 1 : Building A Rebel City in Jackson, MS

Right To The City & Homes For All present Episode 1 of the Renter Nation Series: 

Building a Rebel City: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi

Description: Join organizers from Homes For All & RTTC member Cooperation Jackson and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement in Jackson to learn about the powerful struggle for economic democracy and self-determination in Jackson, Mississippi.

Organizers will discuss the Jackson Kush-Plan and share insights and lessons from the initiative to build a base of autonomous power in Mississippi concentrated in Jackson and the eastern Black Belt portions of the state that can serve as a catalyst for the attainment of Black self-determination and the democratic transformation of the economy.

In particular, organizers will highlight lessons from 2 components of the plan: building independent political power and launching Cooperation Jackson as a vehicle to build a solidarity economy.

How are local residents building economic democracy, including collective land ownership models, devoid of institutional or electoral political power? What could shift when and if people’s movements won influence over municipal policies and power?

Prep Readings / Resources: 

Jackson-Kush Plan: https://www.scribd.com/doc/218031046/The-Jackson-Kush-Plan

Jackson Just Transition Plan: http://www.cooperationjackson.org/blog/2015/11/10/the-jackson-just-transition-plan

Casting Shadows: Chokwe Lumumba and the Struggle for Racial Justice and Economic Democracy in Jackson, MS: https://www.scribd.com/document/279510465/Casting-Shadows-Chokwe-Lumumba-and-the-Struggle-for-Racial-Justice-and-Economic-Democracy-in-Jackson-MS


RENTER NATION SERIES 2017: Strategies and Solutions to defend against displacement and build rebel cities for the people and planet. 

Building off the momentum and power of 2016, Right To The City Allianceand Homes For All / Hogares Para Todxs are excited to announce the 2017 Renter Nation Series: Strategies and Solutions to defend against displacement and build rebel cities for the people and planet.

Throughout the year we’ll feature and amplify a powerful lineup of political education trainings, local organizing models and movement webinars to support our communities in growing the power of the renter class and deepening our political and strategic approach to building intersectional multi-issue movements. We’ll create space to explore a range of tactics and strategies to build municipal power to take back our cities and win a transition to a community controlled economy that works for the people and planet, not profit.

Renters on the front lines of fighting against housing injustice aren’t simply just renters. We are mothers and grandmothers. We are immigrants. We are black, latinx, asian and indigenous folx. We are young people, single parents and LGBTQ folx. We are day laborers and domestic workers, fast-food employees and taxi drivers. Our neighborhoods are the first one’s targeted for dirty energy projects, stadiums and luxury condos. 

Building the power of the renter nation is not and cannot just be about building power to win housing justice. From immigration, climate justice and struggles for workers rights to black liberation and women’s rights, the fight for housing and land justice must be intersectional, striving to build our collective power and a movement to transform our world.

To learn about all episodes in the series go to:www.HomesForAll.org/RN2017