The Path to EcoSocialism and Survival

The Path to EcoSocialism and Survival

A Talk and Interview with Kali Akuno of Cooperation Jackson with Systems Change Not Climate Change on Sunday, September 20

To survive, we must swiftly transition to ecosocialism. But how do we do that? Kali Akuno of Cooperation Jackson described the organization's model of local cooperative living, and its visionary Call to Action: Towards a General Strike to End the COVID-19 Crisis and Create a New World.

Kali discussed the pathway forward, using what the People’s Call to Action describes as "the greatest power we have at our disposal: our collective labor." Kali's presentation was followed by a Question and Answer period led by System Change Not Climate Change author/activist Carol Dansereau.

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Building a Transatlantic Strategy: What have we learnt from the last 5 years?

Building a Transatlantic Strategy: What have we learnt from the last 5 years?

What have we learned on both sides of the Atlantic over the last 5 years about pursuing a socialist agenda using the vehicle of traditional political parties?

Taking a historical perspective, this session will examine the challenges and limitations of this approach and what we could have done differently. Asking the question of what would have happened had we achieved power, participants will map out a long view on socialist strategy and explore different avenues for delivering success.


Joe Guinan

Mary Robertson

Kali Akuno

Richard Seymour

Laura Smith

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Building the Solidarity Economy in the context of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter

Building the Solidarity Economy in the context of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter

Building the Solidarity Economy in the context of COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter

US Solidarity Economy Network Session at the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies held June 25th - July. 1st, 2020

In the US, the dual crises of COVID and racist policing are highlighting failures in our racist capitalist patriarchal economy, forcing us to create institutions that better fill our needs. Our panel will discuss grassroots solidarity economy responses - such as mutual aid networks, community gardening, bartering and time banking, and movements for community control of policing and resources - and strategize about bringing them together into a movement for systemic economic transformation. -- Moderated by Mike Strode of The Kola Nut Collaborative, this panel featured Kali Akuno of Cooperation Jackson, Nia K. Evans of Boston Ujima Project, and Dominique Pearson of Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance.

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People's Strike July First Strike Broadcast - July 1, 2020

People's Strike July First Strike Broadcast - July 1, 2020

Cooperation Jackson members Sacajawea “Saki” Hall and Kali Akuno, feature in the People’s Strike First Strike Broadcast on Wednesday, July 1st, 2020.

People’s Strike is a growing coalition of workers, community, and political organizations confronting the COVID-19 pandemic by struggling against inept government and the forces of Wall Street to put people before profit.

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Amid Calls for a General Strike, Labor Will Shut Down 29 Ports on Juneteenth

Amid Calls for a General Strike, Labor Will Shut Down 29 Ports on Juneteenth

Article from Frances Madeson about the the International Longshore and Warehouse Union’s (ILWU) historic Juneteenth. call to action to the Labor movement to act in defense of Black Lives. The article features Cooperation Jackson’s executive director, Kali Akuno, speaking on behalf of the organization and the People’s Strike coalition.

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People's Strike + The Floyd Rebellion

People's Strike + The Floyd Rebellion

Programmatic Reflections on combining the People’s Strike and Floyd Rebellion movement moments.

Rush transcript of this segment:

Good question. I think the central thing that we should be looking out for today, is the merger of the systemic issues we've been trying to bring to the fore with the People's Strike and the call to move towards the general strike, with the mass righteous rage that has occurred because of the resistance to American apartheid so, because that's what's really at play, that's what's being brought into question, and folks recognizing you know, Floyd's death is directly linked to all of the black and brown folks who have died needlessly as a result of COVID-19, how it's been managed in the United States and that you know, that death toll is the direct result of the systemic white supremacy of this society and it's settler colonial foundations. And people linking those two right in bringing more systemic energy towards a long protracted campaign of moving towards a general strike, I think that is what we are trying to bring to the fore and convincing folks that we need to use the greatest power that we have, which is control over our bodies, control of our labor, to make the situation ungovernable and untenable in the United States, and to do it in an organized systemic fashion. So the hope is all the folks, young and old, who would have been meeting each other on the first times on the streets you know these last five days throughout this country, see the humanity in each other regardless of what their age sex gender race nationality may be, find their common interests because you know one of the things I'm going back again speaking to some of the new folks who's coming out, it's them finding the finding their same life interests to be, you know, I may be still a little bit ahead of you but that's not saying much in this race, and that we have more in common and we have a set of common enemies which are totally about mortgaging our future for their profit, that we have more in common if we stand together and fight back and and build a new system through our organized, self-organized activities, and building new productive relationships and new overall social relationships. I think today June 1st you know is our second 1st [of the month] strike action, in the midst of what can only be described in my view as the Floyd Rebellion, those two things I think coming together, I hope we are able to give some sustained direction and focus you know, in a broader degree of kind of coherent demands that address all the particular issues that have been uncovered and brought to the fore - that's what I'm hoping happens today, and that I think the People's Strike and all the organizations that have endorsed and [actions] have taken place in one form or fashion bringing to the fore, and I think today we do that first and foremost by engaging in serious conversations with each other about what's next cuz that has to be a broad, you know, a democratic organization where folks are really debating it out you know, but coming to terms and building the relationships that are going to be necessary to to transform you know a rebellion ultimately into a revolution, cuz that's what we need to go. This is the first step - it's a good crack, you know, it's a beautiful fissure in the piece, but that wall hasn't been deconstructed just yet, we got a lot of work to do to tear that down.

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Counterpunch Radio - Episode 154 Kali Akuno, the People's Strike and Floyd Rebellion

Counterpunch Radio - Episode 154 Kali Akuno, the People's Strike and Floyd Rebellion

From Counterpunch Radio - Wednesday, June 3, 2020

As the US erupts in protest in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, Eric chats with Kali Akuno, co-founder and co-director of Cooperation Jackson and organizer with People’s Strike. Kali gives his reactions to Trump’s quasi-martial law decree and some of the rhetoric he used in his disturbing “Law and Order” speech. Eric and Kali discuss the importance of Black and Brown youth leadership in this uprising, and how the level of political consciousness is much higher than previous uprisings. From there the conversation touches on everything from the formation of Trumpist brownshirts and how the Left must organize itself for defense to the understanding that Trump has brought the War on Terror home. Don’t miss the critical discussion on CounterPunch!

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Staying Rooted: Black Land and Housing Organizing in the time of COVID-19 Broadcast

Staying Rooted: Black Land and Housing Organizing in the time of COVID-19 Broadcast

Right to the City Alliance Teach-in about nationwide powerful Black led organizing during COVID-19 by Miami Workers' Center, KHEPRW Institute, Cooperation Jackson and Detroit People's Platform.

The Teach-In was conducted and broadcast on Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020.

Cooperation Jackson speakers included Sacajawea “Saki” Hall, Kwame Braxton, Sabrina Howard, and Shambe Jones.

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General Strike 2020 Live Broadcast Interview with Kali Akuno - Monday, June 1st, 2020

General Strike 2020 Live Broadcast Interview with Kali Akuno - Monday, June 1st, 2020

General Strike 2020 is one of the first. organizations to call for a General Strike to address the COVID-19 pandemic and the social contradictions it unleashed. General Strike conducted a 36 hour broadcast on May 30th and June 1st, 2020.

Kali Akuno was one of the key speakers of the broadcast representing Cooperation Jackson and the People’s Strike.

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People's Strike June 1st First Strike Live Broadcast - Parts 1 and 2

People's Strike June 1st First Strike Live Broadcast - Parts 1 and 2

View the complete People’s Strike live-action broadcast from Monday, June 1st, 2020 in 2 parts.

People’s Strike is a growing coalition of workers, community, and political organizations confronting the COVID-19 pandemic by a) struggling against inept and corrupt government and the forces of capital (banks, corporations, brokers, etc.) putting profit before the people and the planet by trying to force us back to work against scientific evidence and reasoning to restore their profits and the relations of inequality that worsened this pandemic for Indigenious, Black, Latino, and other vulnerable communities, b) organizing emergency relief and various forms of mutual aid to to provide working people and communities with the resources they need to survive and thrive during this pandemic, and c) building new forms of cooperative and community production to produce for community need and political autonomy and community governance to create a more equitable and just society.

People’s Strike was initiated by Cooperation. Jackson on March 31st, 2020.

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