Realizing the Durban Declaration and Program of Action is at the Heart of Our Pan-African Global Reparations Movement

The 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa was a historic moment in the struggle for African peoples. With people from every corner of the world present, civil society and governments reached a consensus and issued the Durban Declaration and Program of Action (DDPA).

The DDPA was the hard-won result of tremendous effort to educate, organize and mobilize African people and allies for years prior to the conference. 

The world declared colonialism, slavery, and apartheid crimes against humanity, without a statute of limitations and that reparations are due.

The DDPA is a tool that was fought and won. We must affirm, defend, fully claim, and assert the DDPA as our human right of self-determination.

We strongly recommend that the future work of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent utilize the Durban Declaration and Program of Action (DDPA) as its central working document and ensure the effective implementation of the DDPA.

We can not let short term promises of 30 pieces of silver cause us to betray our peoples. The USA and other European countries, former colonizers, fought our DDPA efforts then and continue to work to control our movements today.

An open letter to the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent will be issued before the next Session. Support the demand for its work to be grounded in the DDPA and the full and complete repair & justice it calls for. Provide your info and we will keep in touch around the Open Letter and other ways to engage.
Contact info: Efia Nwangaza

Jackson Rising Redux - Out Now!

Jackson Rising Redux - Out Now!

Jackson Rising Redux

Edited by Kali Akuno and Matt Meyer

Order your copy today.

Mississippi is the poorest state in the US, with the highest percentage of Black people and a history of vicious racial terror. Black resistance at a time of global health, economic, and climate crisis is the backdrop and context for the drama captured in this new and revised collection of essays. Cooperation Jackson, founded in 2014 in Mississippi’s capital to develop an economically uplifting democratic “solidarity economy,” is anchored by a network of worker-owned, self-managed cooperative enterprises. The organization developed in the context of the historic election of radical Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, lifetime human rights attorney. Subsequent to Lumumba’s passing less than one year after assuming office, the network developed projects both inside and outside of the formal political arena. In 2020, Cooperation Jackson became the center for national and international coalition efforts, bringing together progressive peoples from diverse trade union, youth, church, and cultural movements. This long-anticipated anthology details the foundations behind those successful campaigns. It unveils new and ongoing strategies and methods being pursued by the movement for grassroots-centered Black community control and self-determination, inspiring partnership and emulation across the globe.

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Jackson, MS Water Crisis - Building Community Resiliency, Water Crisis Relief Phase 2

Jackson, MS Water Crisis - Building Community Resiliency, Water Crisis Relief Phase 2

What's happening is that we are moving on to Phase 2. This is the first community based water catchment system we are installing. More are on the way with your help & donations to build some resiliency in our community.

Special thanks to our comrades from Just Construction for coming down and lending us some knowledge, skill, education, training, and labor.

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Justice 4 Jackson. Help us fix Jackson’s Water System and Build more autonomy and people power in the city. 

Justice 4 Jackson. Help us fix Jackson’s Water System and Build more autonomy and people power in the city. 

Call to Action Statement from Cooperation Jackson.

We are demanding the State and Federal Government completely overhaul Jackson’s water treatment and delivery systems. And asking our allies to help us build autonomous infrastructure to help us end various dependencies on the racist state apparatus.

Join the call. Spread the word.

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Support Ms. Rose Mae Brown, Support the Fannie Lou Hamer Community Land Trust

Video appeal for the campaign to support Ms. Rose Mae Brown and the Fannie Lou Hammer Community Land Trust, stewarded by Cooperation Jackson, secure adequate housing for her medical condition. We are seeking to raise $200,000 to purchase a home for her on Rose Street in West Jackson, a home big enough to ensure that she has permanent in-home care to treat her chronic epileptic seizures.

Please make a generous donation to this vital campaign. Donate today here.

Symbiosis Summer 2021! Donate Today and Join Us.


Support the Fannie Lou Hamer Community Land Trust in West Jackson!

Donate Today. Please indidate "Symbiosis Summer" in the note on your donation.

This summer from August 8 through 15, members of the Symbiosis network are converging in Jackson, Mississippi to renovate and rehab properties and sites on the Fannie Lou Hamer Community Land Trust stewarded by Cooperation Jackson, in order to provide affordable housing, lots for urban agriculture, and a basis for an Eco-Village concept ensuring a more sustainable future. We need your help to make this a reality!

Symbiosis Summer

Inspired by the Detroit Summer program based out of the Boggs Center, itself inspired by the Mississippi Summer at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, Symbiosis Summer brings together volunteers from far afield to come together and work on a project giving back to that community and building deeper connections and networks of solidarity between them.

This inaugural summer will take place in the western neighborhoods of Jackson, where we will be working with Cooperation Jackson to complete the rehabilitation of several properties held by their community land trust, as well as help with the summer harvest of Freedom Farms cooperative.

The Costs

Our committee has budgeted for costs to provide room and board on their properties for up to thirty volunteers to be about $5000. We are reaching out to local groceries for possible donations to reduce costs. We are also looking to rent a passenger van for transporting people to and from the work sites, to reduce the need for cars. Most coming in are paying entirely for their travel expenses to reach here.

Cooperation Jackson has committed to paying 40% of the costs, with the remainder to be paid by the crowdfunding and the Symbiosis Network. Anything raised in the excess of this goal will go towards paying back Cooperation Jackson for their portion and investing back in the community of West Jackson.

Cooperation Jackson

Cooperation Jackson is a network of worker co-ops, solidarity economy institutions, and mutual aid initiatives that are working to build economic democracy and self-determination, as outlined in the Jackson-Kush Plan. Officially founded in 2014 at the Jackson Rising conference, Cooperation Jackson owns over fifty lots of land in their Fannie Lou Hamer Community Land Trust initiative, where most of the work of Symbiosis Summer will take place.


Symbiosis is a confederation of grassroots, municipal organizations across North America, building a democratic and ecological movement for a better world, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city. Starting at the Congress of Municipal Movements in 2019, Symbiosis provides a global platform for local organizing with over twenty affiliate organizations and more partners in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Through this platform we seek to escalate our work to new territories of radical possibility, rooted deeply in principles of autonomy, solidarity, social ecology, and radical democracy.

Donate Today!

Get involved!

Bringing together resources from the crowd is a key strategy. We do not rely on grants or foundations, instead run on the donations of our members and friends of the movement. In addition to giving, please feel free to reach out and share widely on social media over Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, and if you are interested in traveling to Jackson with us this summer, you can find a form to sign up to join us at this link!

Decolonization, Reparations, and Climate Emergency Preparedness: Clarifying the CJ and CGO Collaboration


By Cooperation Jackson and the Center for Grassroots Organizing

As veteran activists, we should have known better than to trust a liberal media outlet to tell our story and portray our interests, intents, and strategies correctly. When we agreed to do a story with VICE magazine about our shared work and growing collaboration, based on several lead-in conversations we thought the article would focus on the efforts of grassroots forces like ours trying to:

  • Develop concrete strategies to rapidly address the advancing climate catastrophe
  • Initiate just transition plans from the bottom up that lead to a regenerative, eco-socialist future based on non-extractive and non-exploitative systems of production and reproduction where the means of production are democratically owned and controlled by communities of associated producers
  • Coherently plan for the coming waves of climate migration within the context of fighting for decolonization, in the form of land back transfers to Indigenous nations and land steward agreements for Blacks and Latinos based on these land grant transfers

VICE unfortunately has its own agenda, and appears to have pursued our story to serve its own needs. In the pursuit of drawing in readers from traffic generated revenue, it appears that their agenda is riffing on disaster porn to lure in readers. VICE intentionally chose to ignore the land back and reparations issues, which constituted the center of our focus. In ignoring these issues, neither of the central contradictions at the heart of the American empire - namely the interplay of Indigenous genocide, European settler-colonialism, the enslavement of African and Indigenous people, and the ongoing social and material legacy of chattel slavery - are confronted or addressed. And without addressing these issues, it portrays our efforts as just another left oriented trip bent on perpetuating the systemic dynamics of settler-colonialism and white supremacy.

In addition to talking about the historic and structural need for decolonization and reparations, we grounded our interviews around concrete efforts to achieve these objectives in Vermont, by talking about the critical and trailblazing work of Everytown and the Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust Network (NEFOC). Everytown and NEFOC are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) lead organizing projects rooted in Vermont and New Hampshire that are working on securing land transfers from white farmers and landholders to BIPOC individuals, organizations and communities for restorative justice.

Instead of focusing on these comprehensive efforts, VICE chose to highlight the singular collaborative efforts of the Center for Grassroots Organizing (Grassroots Center) and Cooperation Jackson coming together to establish a practical program in Vermont centered on the joint stewarding of land based on the three strategic points stated above. What they omitted was that our efforts were and are designed to uplift, support, and advance the work of Everytown and NEFOC, not compete with it or negate it. Similarly, they uplifted the nascent work of the People’s Network for Land and Liberation (PNLL) as something distinct from these efforts, rather than something designed to elevate our collective efforts to free the land.

Instead of macro issues and strategic efforts of the various organizations and alliances being the focus of the article, we largely got treated to a personal expose about Kali Akuno and Henry Harris, that was filled with holes, conjecture, and mischaracterizations. One major distortion was posing the land granting process that the Hall-Akuno family is engaging in Vermont as an abandonment of their work in Jackson, Mississippi and the overall mission to free the land there. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Hall-Akuno family are not abandoning Cooperation Jackson, nor the struggle in Jackson. Instead, their efforts and those of Cooperation Jackson overall relative to this initiative are centered on building a bridge for their comrades and communities in Jackson to have a potential safe haven from the calamitous climate threats confronting Mississippi and the Gulf State region. Our aim is to make sure that our communities and our people can survive and thrive in the future. This starts by securing places in more climate adaptive regions like Vermont or Northern California, where they can safely relocate because forces like ours have built solid social and political relations with local Black, Indigenous, Latino, and radical white organizations and communities that will enable the successful integration of the individuals, families, and communities needing to migrate from the climate sacrifice zones that capital and the government are creating by their gross negligence on climate change.

Another critical distortion in the article was overstating the degree of Indigenous involvement in the land transfer efforts in Vermont. To be clear, the organizers at the Center for Grassroots Organizing, EveryTown, and NEFOC are establishing relations with Abenaki leaders and communities, but the work to incorporate these relationships into the center of their collective work are nascent at best. There are three challenges that the organizers have to overcome to make this transformative work decolonial and reparative. One challenge is establishing a means for the Western Abenaki bands to hold land in common in Vermont. At present, the settler-colonial laws that govern the state bar this form of land ownership. Another challenge is supporting Abenaki tribes to successfully take on and win this political struggle, while fully respecting their self-determination in all forms. And finally, there is the challenge of establishing a three way process of land granting, one that transfers land from white farmers and landowners to Black and Latino families and organizations to steward for regenerative purposes with the approval of the Abenaki bands.

In the effort to address these issues within a restorative justice framework in the context of the aforementioned structural limitations the Center for Grassroots Organizing is in consultation with Native leaders to discover how to build power together and decolonize our relationships to each other and to the land. NEFOC is asking every land transfer project under their purview to write letters of intent, so we are drafting letters and discussing our intentions with a couple of Native friends and contacts, and will be submitting our letters to be discussed with Indigenous people that NEFOC are in touch with, as well as our own networks. These letters are intended to outline how each project is going to respect Indigenous sovereignty and be responsible ecological stewards to the land. They are also intended to lay a solid moral and legal foundation to engage in the long-term political struggle that will need to be waged to win the land back.

If VICE had told this story, in its proper context, we think it could have been a much greater and politically clearer narrative than what it was. Instead, the Center for Grassroots Organizing and Cooperation Jackson have had to field a lot of uneasy questions from both friends, allies, and foes alike. Confusion breeds contempt. And we have tried to clean up as much of this confusion as we can, including the release of this statement. We tried to get VICE to help us clear up this confusion as soon as we saw the piece, in the hours before the article was released. The author of the article was more than willing to make the corrections that we requested, but the editors rebuffed our concerns. The only things that they conceded were changing the title of the article, correcting the name of the township where the Grassroots Center is located, and properly identifying one of its projects.

However, these cosmetic changes still missed the mark. For instance, the original title said that “organizers in Vermont are buying land for people escaping climate disaster”. The change now says that we are “sharing land”. While “sharing” is better than “buying” in this context, it is not the same as transferring land under the premise of developing a land back and reparations movement as we stated. Further, the emphasis on buying that they originally framed is extremely problematic because it made it appear that our initiative was and is intended to extend capitalist relations of production and exchange, rather than subverting them and creating an alternative to them. It also raised serious transparency questions in light of the recent mainstream media expose regarding the finances of the Black Lives Matter foundation and movement network. On this basis, many folks questioned where in the hell did grassroots forces like ours come up with the millions of dollars needed to start buying land to the extent implied. In our view these were legitimate questions, but they were based on the confused message that was conveyed in the story.

When it is all said and done, we are responsible for telling our own story and constructing our own narrative. VICE is what VICE is. For anyone and everyone who might have been somewhat confused by the VICE article, we hope this short response clarifies some issues. As veterans of radical movement we will do better and continue to refine our work to not repeat mistakes like this in the future. And to those who did read the article and found it somewhat inspiring, because we’ve heard some of that as well, we hope that being exposed to the deeper meanings we were trying to convey give you even greater inspiration and encourage you to support our respective individual and collective efforts, and to start or enhance similar efforts in your communities.

To reach Cooperation Jackson or the Center for Grassroots Organizing for further questions or to support our work, please contact us via the following communicative instruments:

Cooperation Jackson Website: Email: Facebook: Twitter: @CooperationJXN Instagram: @CooperationJXN

Center for Grassroots Organizing Website: Email: Facebook: Instagram: @vt_grassroots_center

Support Cooperation Jackson’s Relief and Emergency Preparedness efforts in West Jackson

Support Cooperation Jackson’s Relief and Emergency Preparedness efforts in West Jackson

Support Cooperation Jackson’s Relief and Emergency Preparedness efforts in West Jackson

Cooperation Jackson is developing short, mid-term, and long-term relief, emergency preparedness and autonomous solutions to the climate and social induced crisis confronting our community. Support our ongoing structural efforts to prepare for resilient and regenerative future.

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Support the Spanish Translation of Jackson Rising

Support the Spanish Translation of Jackson Rising

Please support our comrades at La Ciutat Invisible cooperative in Barcelona, Catalonia translate our work, Jackson Rising: the Struggle for Economic Democracy and Black Self-Determination in Jackson, MS, into Spanish. This translation will help us reach entirely new audiences, particularly in Spanish speaking communities in Mississippi, the US South, and Latin America, to share our views, experiences, and reflections and through these help build international solidarity across the language and cultural divides.

Please make a donate via this link:

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RBG-90X Mask Tutorial

RBG-90X Mask Tutorial

Video of Community Production Cooperative anchor, Kwame Braxton, on the RBG - 90X protective mask designed under his lead by the cooperative. The video focuses on how to properly use and clean the mask.

.The Community Production Cooperative and Cooperation Jackson are donating the first 100 RBG-90X masks to front-line workers in the medical field. if you are interested in purchasing one Feel Free to contact Kwame Braxton at also if you are interested in donating to sustain the community production mask distribution feel free to check out

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Join the People's Strike

Join the People's Strike

People’s Strike is a growing coalition of workers, community, and political organizations confronting the COVID-19 pandemic by a) struggling against inept and corrupt government and the forces of capital (banks, corporations, brokers, etc.) putting profit before the people and the planet by trying to force us back to work against scientific evidence and reasoning to restore their profits and the relations of inequality that worsened this pandemic for Indigenious, Black, Latino, and other vulnerable communities, b) organizing emergency relief and various forms of mutual aid to to provide working people and communities with the resources they need to survive and thrive during this pandemic, and c) building new forms of cooperative and community production to produce for community need and political autonomy and community governance to create a more equitable and just society.

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A Call to Action: Towards a General Strike to End the COVID-19 Crisis and Create a New World

A Call to Action: Towards a General Strike to End the COVID-19 Crisis and Create a New World

Organize Towards a General Strike! No Work, No Shopping Friday, May 1st

People over Profit: Tell the Government and Wall Street that their priority must be to Save Lives, Not Profits. Returning to Work under this Pandemic is a threat to our Collective Health and Safety

We Need Systems Change, Not Just Relief and Reform. The Capitalist System Can’t Resolve this Crisis.

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