New Educational Publication - "Building a Transition City: The Ewing Street Eco-Village Coop Pilot Project"

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Building a Transition City : The Ewing Street Eco-Village Coop Pilot Project booklet is a joint work of Cooperation Jackson and Advanced Design Studio Program of the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, of the City College of New York (CCNY), of the City University of New York (CUNY), led by Professor Nandini Baghee.

This publication is intended to be used primarily as an educational tool about how to collaboratively design and build deeply affordable, ecologically sustainable modular housing, which will enable our organization to fulfill the primary objectives of our Community Land Trust, which are to revitalize and regenerate West Jackson from the inside out to eliminate the threats of gentrification and displacement . The work represents the first stage of our concept design for the Ewing Street Street initiative, conducted primarily by the program anchors of our Community Production Cooperative and the Fannie Lou Hamer Community Land Trust, with the support of the students in the Advanced Design Studio from CCNY in the winter and spring of 2019.

We will be using this tool over the course of the next six-months to a year to conduct a thorough process of community designing to develop a final design for the Ewing Street Initiative. Stay tuned!!